This is intended to serve as a written history of my everyday struggles with squamous cell carcinoma that originated on my tongue and spread from there.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Thursday is back!
After a week of relatively good feelings and experiences, once again it is Thursday that comes along to knock me back a few steps. Don't know exactly why sometimes I feel ok, and then other times I can feel like absolute crap. Could be due to large doses of poison that my body gets subjected to 5 days a week, or maybe it is the weather. I could tell this morning when I woke up that I wasn't going to have the best day today. There is just a feeling that I have at times in my stomach that somewhat forewarns me that it's not going to be that great of a day. So I had that going for me first thing this morning, but I tried to fight through it. I ate breakfast and then headed off to my radiation appointment. The good news is that there is only one more Thursday radiation appointment left! Went to work after radiation and again forced down some food during lunch, but it was quite the losing battle today. I got progressively tired throughout the day and ended up leaving work about an hour early and headed straight home and laid down in bed. That was about 4. I think I woke up around 8. The constant nausea is hanging around again, but I am working through it. I really wanted a bagel with cream cheese when I woke up, but had to settle for an english muffin thanks to the stupid local store that I went to. I feel better now after eating a little something and now I just need to stay up until about 11:30 to take another Ativan, in hopes it helps with my symptoms tomorrow.
That's about all I got, other than to indulge my brother and post an image of his whimsical musings about who I look like with my various facial hair styles. I feel like I have a better mustache, brother.

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Yes yes - you win the mustache challenge. My aging memory is clouded with the fact that I watched Raiders like a 100 times on the old Video Disk Player (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chgt9y0Insw), and the picture quality was such that one really had to imagine what facial details looked like.