Only two more tuesdays
Tuesdays are the long days of the week with radiation and chemo and a doctors visit to boot. When I meet with the doctor, it tends to mess up my schedule and I don't get out of there until mid afternoon. For some reason the medical oncologist always seems to take forever to see me. He did mention something interesting as it pertains to my bloodwork this week. He told me my platelets are getting low, and if it continues I might have to skip a chemo, but I am hopeful that they rebound this week so I can get in my final 2 chemos. My first three weeks of chemo, my platelet count was in the mid 200 K/uL, then in week 4 it dropped to 187 K/uL and so today they must have dropped further. For reference, a normal count is 140-400 K/uL. Not sure if they will just skip a treatment or tack it on to the end, my general feeling is that they would just skip the chemo and let me finish out with the radiation.
I felt worse today during the actual chemo treatment for the first time in this process. Just a general malaise that lasted the majority of the two hour Cisplatin infusion and I began feeling fairly nauseous right away. As usual, Jessica came through again with some killer lunch that I got to enjoy while being infused with my weekly poison. That helped me feel better, but did not totally alleviate all my problems. I waited until about 7 before I finally did take an Ativan to hopefully help ease the nausea I am starting to feel this evening.
The picture at right was taken at Blue Hole which is outside of Wimberley while the boys were spending a couple of days with their cousins in Dripping Springs. It looks like a pretty cool place that we will definitely have to visit again soon. The boys made it back to us this evening and we are now currently engrossed in their new movie purchase, Underdog. Would rather be doing nothing else, I have missed them.
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