Thursday, July 25, 2013

Things that I could do without...

For starters, I would like to just skip Thursdays from here on out.  That would be totally ok with me if they did not happen for the next month or so.  The nausea seems to peak in the afternoon on Thursday and it is not pleasant at all.  Even with the medicine today, it was tough to deal with.  I still am trying to make myself eat through it, and the act of eating itself is not that bad, even when I am having fits with the nausea.  Most of the time it is the thought of food that really gets my stomach turning, but smells are still setting me off as well.  It seems to get worse as the day progresses, so this morning was ok...but right now it is not so good.  As long as I am sitting down, I can usually control it.  There are times when I have to close my eyes so as not to have any visual sensory input to help to get the feelings to pass.  Thus far, I have been successful in my attempts to not actually vomit, so here is to hoping that I keep that streak alive.
Radiation was again routine today, although their other machine was broken this morning so the schedule was somewhat out of whack.  Beard is still coming out if given outside assistance (pulling on it) on the left hand side, but it is not patchy enough yet to worry myself over it.  My skin underneath the beard, especially on my chin is bothering me, I don't know what that is about.  It is itchy and feels perhaps flaky?  Maybe it's a bad case of beardruff.  Whatever it is, it is slightly annoying.
Short post today, I am tired and ready to try to sleep a little tonight (hopefully).

1 comment:

  1. Hope you got some rest and the nausea is better today! <3 u!
