Monday, July 15, 2013

Pretty good day

Today was a good day.  It started with a chocolate whey protein drink (made with regular milk this time) for me and some waffles for the two small children in my household.  Then I got to prepare my wonderful daily mouth rinse solution consisting of water, baking soda and salt.  It is super yummy and I absolutely LOVE using it 4 to 6 times a day (that is sarcasm for those that don't know me).  With that and my trusty $1,500 water cup, I was off to radiation for the day.
Nothing of note to report on the radiation front, other than they are finally getting it all down with me and things are moving along much more smoothly now.  I did talk again with a guy that I see there every morning more about his treatment and I will just say that I am glad right now that I do not have prostate cancer.  After radiation, it was off to work!  I spent the rest of the day at work and headed home after that.  I will say that today I feel pretty much normal again.  I am starting to have difficulties with the process of eating, but my appetite today was great.  My jaw and muscles on the left side of my face start hurting fairly badly as I chew and the left side of my throat is starting to feel somewhat sore.  Other than that I had a very nice Monday, all things considered.  I am learning quickly why they tell you to stick with soft foods during this treatment and I imagine soft, easily chewed foods will become my main source of nutrition.
The only other thing that I need to document now is the puzzle that I have been working on for about 3 weeks.  I would say it took me about 2 days to complete half of it and Sunday night we finished it, finally!  It was the most difficult puzzle that I have ever done.  It was called The Apple Orchard and it featured a large apple tree as the main feature.  All puzzle pieces were roughly the same shape and the whole tree section looked the same.  I would sit for hours staring at it and only get a couple pieces placed correctly.  On Sunday, I finally told the boys that I would finish it that day or throw it away.  At about 11:15 pm, Sunday night, we placed the last piece and rejoiced, all the while planning to immediately get rid of it so we don't have to look at it again.  Let me know if you are interested in owning this piece of Stobb history, as it needs to get out of my house immediately.
Time to shut it down for the night, I have written my entry and supplied Robby with 150 MBs of zipped Cayman Island pictures, so I feel the time is right to get some rest.  Big day tomorrow, chemo session #2 will be completed and then I will have something to compare with how I felt last week.

1 comment:

  1. Ok I love puzzles n spent vacation doin one at beach. That one sounds super hard though!!
    Not sure if u like carrot juice since u were talking abt soft food but Aldi has some great bolt house carrot juice when u need nutrients but lack the appetite.
