Thursday, May 14, 2015

Nothing is for sure, but more is now known

Thought I would throw out a quick update for those interested.  First of all, the socks were a HUGE hit with everybody at the MD Anderson Katy facility.  Might have to get a few more pairs on order soon.  I know that is what everyone is most interested in, so that is what I thought I should start with.  In addition, I was presented with one amazingly awesome shirt from my favorite PA-C in the world, mjanik1!  The shirt paired magically with the socks that I got for them and they assured me that the socks would be part of the surgical uniform worn next Friday.  Hopefully we can get together prior to surgery for a rainbow farting unicorn pre-operative picture.  Then I can introduce to the world the beauty that is my head and neck surgical team.

So we have to wait another day to get the final word on the surgery.  The cardio-thoracic surgeon will have the final say on whether or not we are a go.  The tumor has definitely grown in size over the past 5 weeks or so while I was doing chemo, but there is no evidence of further spread throughout my body.  The no further spread part is the key point here.  Any evidence of further spread would likely completely rule out surgery.  The growth is not good, but hopefully it is not to great in the surgeons opinion to rule out the surgical option.  I am still holding on to hope that the surgery will happen, and we have been given no substantial indication that it won't.

Now we wait another 22 hours or so until I meet with the next surgeon and we can do nothing other than hope for the best.  I will do my part and I trust that all out there that read this today will do theirs.  Fill this world with your prayers, your positive thoughts, good vibes, chi, prana, pneuma, mana, ruah or whatever else you can and I think we can convince these surgeons that I still have a lot of fight in me and this surgery gives me the best chance!

Hopefully I can give a better update tomorrow, but for right now we are in a holding pattern.  Stay strong, think positive and get ready for the awesomeness that will come.


  1. Praying, positive thoughting, good vibing, chiing, pranaing, pneumaing, manaing, ruahing and whatever elseing like a motherf*cker up in here.
